Apatride Network


Our Goals

The goals are not in any order of chronology or priority. Please note that these are subject to change, depending on continual input from our members. The following are Apatride Network’s goals:

Raise awareness of the issue of statelessness in the EU

There is limited awareness about statelessness in the European Union. People are not well-aware of what is statelessness, and that there are hundreds of thousands stateless people in Europe and millions more in the world. The issue is inaccurately perceived as a marginal issue that pertains to few individuals


Raise awareness of the issue of statelessness in the EU

There is limited awareness about statelessness in the European Union. People are not well-aware of what is statelessness, and that there are hundreds of thousands stateless people in Europe and millions more in the world. The issue is inaccurately perceived as a marginal issue that pertains to few individuals.

Give voice to stateless people, to our views on statelessness

When the topic of statelessness is discussed, there is little to no input from the stateless people themselves. There is a disconnect between stateless people and the government, academia, NGOs, and even international organizations. Consequently, there are many misconceptions about stateless people. There is a need for dialogue on statelessness that is inclusive and impartial to those directly impacted.

Give voice to stateless people, to our views on statelessness

When the topic of statelessness is discussed, there is little to no input from the stateless people themselves. There is a disconnect between stateless people and the government, academia, NGOs, and even international organizations. Consequently, there are many misconceptions about stateless people. There is a need for dialogue on statelessness that is inclusive and impartial to those directly impacted.

Serve as a supportive network, connecting stateless people to each other and bridging the gap with relevant organizations

As a stateless person, lacking the formalized belonging that is granted by state powers via nationality, one may often feel alienated from others and society at large. There is a need for platforms by which the stateless may connect to each other and to the organizations that are trying to help.

Serve as a supportive network, connecting stateless people to each other and bridging the gap with relevant organizations

As a stateless person, lacking the formalized belonging that is granted by state powers via nationality, one may often feel alienated from others and society at large. There is a need for platforms by which the stateless may connect to each other and to the organizations that are trying to help.

Fight xenophobia, racism and sexism, which are at the root of how people become stateless

A common way for anyone to become stateless is due to a hostility of a more dominant ethnic or ideological group that (re)decides who belongs. Minorities are particularly vulnerable. Sexist policies of some states, which refuse women to pass on their nationality, is another major cause of statelessness.

Fight xenophobia, racism and sexism, which are at the root of how people become stateless

A common way for anyone to become stateless is due to a hostility of a more dominant ethnic or ideological group that (re)decides who belongs. Minorities are particularly vulnerable. Sexist policies of some states, which refuse women to pass on their nationality, is another major cause of statelessness.

End statelessness in the European Union and help end it globally

The European Union has a large concentration of stateless people, among the millions of others affected by statelessness worldwide. If human rights are to be taken seriously by Europeans, and if the EU wants to serve as a good example in human rights, statelessness is an issue to be taken seriously.

End statelessness in the European Union and help end it globally

The European Union has a large concentration of stateless people, among the millions of others affected by statelessness worldwide. If human rights are to be taken seriously by Europeans, and if the EU wants to serve as a good example in human rights, statelessness is an issue to be taken seriously.