Apatride Network is run by stateless people for stateless people, giving voice of our views, providing ground-up expertise on statelessness, and dreaming of equal human rights in the European Union. We raise awareness of statelessness, clear up misconceptions therein, and empower stateless people as participants rather than mere objects of discussion. Our work focuses on guest lectures at universities and other relevant venues, publication of academic and media articles, advocacy, legal assistance, training for lawyers, and leading impact projects that target statelessness barriers.
The European Union estimates 399,283 people that are “determined stateless or of undetermined nationality.“ Most are native Europeans with strong roots in Europe, being deprived of an equal right to nationality based on discrimination or bureaucratic inadequacies beyond own control. The number is a bare minimum estimate: reliable data and the visibility of the topic remains poor due to obstruction from state actors that cause statelessness, power imbalances, and lack of affected peoples’ voice.
5 hours ago